The content of this website is purely informative. The information it contains does not constitute in any way a commercial offer. The user of this website alone assumes all the risks and consequences related to the consultation, the accuracy of the information presented and their implementation, and therefore waives any recourse to the encounter of PROXIGO SAS. It is their responsibility to make use of the information obtained in accordance with the laws and regulations in force. We invite you to read the following information:
In accordance with the law of August 1st, 2000 on "Freedom of Communication" (amending the law of 30 September 1986), please find below the information on the company PROXIGO SAS and its hosts.
S.A.S. with capital of 2000 euros
Head Office:
20 bis avenue des Bonshommes
95290 L'Isle Adam
Tel: +33 6 79 41 82 36
SIREN: 847 963 295 RCS Pontoise
(hereinafter "the Company")
Bruno Jacquet
Email :
Inès Jacquet
Email :
Head Office:
2 rue Kellermann
BP 80157
59053 Roubaix cedex 1
Tel: 10 07
SIREN: 424 761 419
The website and its contents are governed by French law and any dispute relating thereto will be subject to the jurisdiction of the French courts.
By accessing this website, the user undertakes to comply with their terms of use and declares to have prior Internet access, know the rules and uses, the technical capabilities and performance and the availability of all hardware and software necessary for Internet navigation.
The user guarantees the Company against any unlawful, non-compliant and/or unauthorised use of the information accessible via this website.
The user is solely responsible for the use of the information accessible via this website that the Company reserves the right to modify at any time, including by updating this website.
The Company reserves the right to remove or modify by right, some of the website's features, without notice or indemnity.
The user agrees to respect the Internet usage and the regulation in force and not to disclose illegal information via this website.
The user is solely responsible for the identity he declines and the information he addresses.
Any use of any data made from the user’s email address shall be deemed to have been made by the user.
The Company does not guarantee the accuracy or completeness of the information offered by the referenced websites.
The website belongs to and is exploited by PROXIGO SAS. The presentation and each of the elements including the treadmarks, logos, and domain names which appear on are protected by the current laws on intellectual property and belong to PROXIGO SAS or are subject to a right of use.
All websites having a hypertext link with this website (a hypertext link targeting this website or established from it) are not under the control of the Company, which declines any responsibility for their content. The user is solely responsible for their use.
The user is informed that the personal information requested from them is necessary for the processing of their request. This information is intended exclusively for the Company. In accordance with Law No. 78-17 of 6 January 1978 "Data Processing and Freedoms", we inform you that the user has at any time a right to access, modify, rectify and delete any personal data concerning them from the Company.
To exercise your rights, you can contact us:
by mail:
20 bis avenue des Bonshommes
95290 L'Isle Adam
by email:
by phone: +33 6 79 41 82 36
The user may unsubscribe from our e-mail communications at any time by sending an unsubscribe request to
The visitor undertakes to communicate only accurate information and does not prejudice the interests of third parties. Notwithstanding the foregoing, the Company may be required to disclose any information concerning the visitor in order to comply with any applicable law or regulation, or to respond to any judicial or administrative request.
The Company undertakes to make its best efforts to make the service accessible 7 days a week and 24
hours a day, except in the event of force majeure or an event beyond its control, including disruptions
or interruptions to access networks, failure of the computer or telephone equipment of the user and,
more generally, any event related to the conditions of access to the Internet and subject to any
failures and maintenance interventions necessary for the proper functioning of its website.